Health Library

The Health Library is a collection of health and wellness resources created for learning and accessibility. Select a topic below for related health information or search for a topic in the search bar for more information on other medical conditions.


  • Discusses HIV, a virus that attacks white blood cells called CD4+ cells which are an important part of the immune system. Covers symptoms and stages of infection, including last stage called AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Covers HIV treatment.

  • HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system, the body's natural defense system. Without a strong immune system, the body has trouble fighting off disease. Both the virus and the infection it causes are called HIV....

  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies untreated HIV infection into three stages: CDC stages of HIV infection Acute retroviral syndrome: This is an illness with symptoms like mononucleosis. It often develops within a few days of infection with HIV, but it also may...

  • HIV does not survive well outside the body. HIV cannot be spread from one person to another in any of the following ways: Casual contact In studies of hundreds of households in which families have lived with and cared for people who have AIDS, including situations in which no one knew that the person...

  • Providing support for a person who has AIDS can be a stressful and emotional experience. You may feel frustrated if the person doesn't want to take all of the medicine prescribed or if he or she doesn't get better despite your efforts. To help...

  • If a person's HIV infection progresses, you may be called on to provide home care for that person. A home care course may give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to provide the care needed. Contact your local Red Cross chapter, Visiting Nurse...

  • Pneumocystis is a fungus that can sometimes cause pneumonia in people who have AIDS. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Pneumonia can make it hard to breathe and to get enough oxygen into the bloodstream. Symptoms often begin suddenly and may be similar to those of an upper respiratory infection, such as...

  • Opportunistic infections and diseases occur in people whose immune systems have been weakened. They usually do not occur in people who have healthy immune systems. When the immune system is weakened by a disease such as HIV infection, opportunistic diseases may cause serious, even life-threatening, illnesses...

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