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Paget's Disease of Bone
Paget's disease can cause complications such as: Osteoarthritis. Paget's disease can damage the bone around a joint. This can cause the cartilage in the joint to weaken and break down, which leads to arthritis. Many people feel bone or joint pain...
What is Paget's disease? Paget's disease is a problem of abnormal bone growth. It may affect just one bone, but it usually affects more than one. In normal bone, the bone tissue is constantly being broken down, absorbed into the body, and then rebuilt with new cells. In Paget's disease, bone tissue is broken down...
Osteotomy ("bone cutting") is a procedure in which a surgeon removes, or sometimes adds, a wedge of bone near a damaged joint. This shifts weight from an area where there is deformed or damaged bone to an area where there is more or healthier bone. In Paget's disease, bone tissue breakdown and rebuilding frequently...