Health Library
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Temper Tantrums
Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of your child's temper tantrums before you bring your child in for a physical exam. It's a good idea to include the following information. How often does your child have tantrums? What usually leads up to...
What are temper tantrums? If you have a young child, you probably know what temper tantrums are. Experts define them as sudden, unplanned displays of anger or other emotions. During a tantrum, children often whine, cry, or scream. They may also swing their arms and legs wildly or hold their breath. Anyone can have...
Toddlers may throw fits, act selfishly, and rarely mind. This behavior often develops out of frustration from not being able to communicate, master skills, and be as independent as they want to be. Assertiveness and irritability are normal behaviors for toddlers. Toddlers are actively absorbing and exploring the world...