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Substance Use Disorder

  • The following are some obvious signs that a person may be smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or using other substances. This is not a complete list of signs to look for. If you suspect a particular drug or drugs, get more information on signs of...

  • Learn some common signs of a problem with prescription medicine misuse.

  • Provides links to information about drug and alcohol misuse. Includes info on substance misuse in teens and adults and resources for cutting back or stopping drug and alcohol use.

  • Looks at the problem of using alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Covers when alcohol or drug use becomes a problem. Includes a test to see if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs and steps for getting help.

  • Treatment helps you quit alcohol or drugs, but your recovery doesn't end there. After you're done with treatment, it's important to focus on quitting for good. After treatment, you may choose to continue with counseling or group therapy. These meetings can help you stay committed to an alcohol- or drug-free...

  • If you have a substance use disorder, your doctor may suggest treatment at an inpatient or outpatient facility. At inpatient facilities, you stay overnight. At outpatient facilities, you come only during the day. How long you stay varies among programs. How are inpatient and outpatient treatment similar...

  • In residential treatment, you live in an alcohol-free and drug-free setting while recovering from substance use disorder. How long you stay varies. You may stay for a number of months or more. Residential treatment may be a good option if you have a...

  • During pregnancy, everything you eat, drink, or take into your body affects you and your growing baby ( fetus). Pregnant women often need to make changes to have a healthy pregnancy, such as eating better or exercising. But one of the most important things you can do when you are pregnant is to avoid alcohol and drugs...

  • Learn about your treatment options for substance use disorder.

  • Learn what's happening to your body during drug withdrawal.

  • Learn about the different types of treatment that can help with prescription medicine misuse.

  • Learn the simple steps that can help you reach a goal of quitting medicine misuse.

  • Learn about the importance of finding support for recovery.

  • Learn how to renew your commitment to stopping medicine misuse after a slip-up.

  • When visiting a treatment center to see whether the program offered there meets your and your family member's needs, ask the following questions. Are the counselors certified chemical dependency counselors (CDC)? Counselors who are certified have...

  • The signs of drug use depend on the drug and the person using the drug. Behaviors that may be signs of drug use include: Changes in sleeping or eating habits, less attention to dressing and grooming, or less interest in sex. Up and down moods, a...

  • Many people think substance use disorder happen only to teens and younger adults. But all ages can have problems with drugs and alcohol, including older adults. Older adults may use illegal drugs, misuse prescription or over-the-counter medicines,...

  • Some people have an alcohol or drug use problem and a mental health problem. Doctors call this a dual diagnosis. You need to treat both problems to fully recover. Mental health problems that can happen with alcohol or drug use include depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress...

  • Is this topic for you? This topic is about substance use disorder in adults. For information about drug use in teens or children, see the topic Teen Alcohol and Drug Use. What is substance use disorder? Substance use disorder is using drugs in a way that harms you or that leads you to harm others. It...

  • Stopping substance use, whether it's alcohol or drugs you are using, is very hard. Very few people succeed the first time they try. A lapse or relapse is likely. A lapse is the first time you use a drug or alcohol again after you have quit, or brief episodes of use at later points. A relapse is not being...

  • If you have a family member or friend with a drug problem, you probably want to help. This can be hard. You can't force a person into treatment. One thing you can do is to stop making excuses for the person. For example, if the person is late to work, refuse to make an excuse. The person has to deal with the problems...

  • You can complete this form and print it for easy reference. When you exit the form, the information will be deleted. Answer these questions based on your use of drugs—not alcohol— in the past 12 months. Choose the answer that is mostly right for you. These questions are asking about risky drug use, including: Using...

  • For close to 40 years, Stan woke up each day feeling as if he were going to die. "Mornings were like doomsday," he recalls, describing his depression, alcohol use disorder, and prescription drug misuse. "It was like everything was just dead … that...

  • A blackout means not being able to remember what happened when you were drinking or using drugs. Blackouts are not the same as passing out. Passing out occurs when you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have a drug or alcohol blackout. In a blackout, you lose short-term memories. A blackout is a type of...

  • Stopping substance use, whether it's alcohol or drugs you are using, is very hard. Very few people succeed the first time they try. A lapse or relapse is likely. A lapse is the first time you use a drug or alcohol again after you have quit, or brief episodes of use at later points. A relapse is not being...

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