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Cluster Headache

  • Headache clinics can evaluate and treat cluster headaches. If your headaches become more severe and medicines aren't working, your doctor may refer you to a headache clinic for more intensive treatment. When you are looking for the right clinic, ask a few questions about the services provided—such as what types of...

  • Medicines may stop a cluster headache after it starts and prevent more headaches from occurring. Finding the right medicine can take some time. You may need a combination of medicines to effectively treat your cluster headaches. Treatments most...

  • Provides info on common types of headaches and their causes. Offers home treatment and prevention tips. Includes interactive tool to help you decide when to call a doctor. Covers when a headache is an emergency.

  • Covers causes and symptoms of cluster headaches. Covers medicines and treatment that either help reduce frequency or severity of headaches or stop a headache after it has started.

  • It can be hard for your doctor to tell whether you have migraine headaches, tension headaches, sinus headaches, cluster headaches, or a combination of these types. The symptoms of these headaches are often the same, and no test can diagnose headaches. Listing a few key features of your headaches may help your doctor...

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