Health Library
The Health Library is a collection of health and wellness resources created for learning and accessibility. Select a topic below for related health information or search for a topic in the search bar for more information on other medical conditions.
Laparoscopic Oophorectomy
What is an oophorectomy? Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of the ovaries, the part of a woman's reproductive system that stores and releases eggs for fertilization and produces female sex hormones. Oophorectomy may be done alone or as part of a hysterectomy. Oophorectomy is often needed when pelvic...
Guides you through decision to have hysterectomy and oophorectomy to treat endometriosis. Covers risks of treating and not treating. Covers how well hysterectomy and removal of ovaries works. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
Guides you through decision to have your ovaries removed (oophorectomy) to prevent ovarian cancer. Discusses risk of getting ovarian cancer. Covers benefits and risks of surgery. Covers early menopause. Includes interactive tool to help you decide.
Guides you through testing and treatment choices if you're at high risk for breast cancer. Covers extra checkups, medicines, and surgery. Lists reasons for and against for each option. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.