Health Library

The Health Library is a collection of health and wellness resources created for learning and accessibility. Select a topic below for related health information or search for a topic in the search bar for more information on other medical conditions.

First Aid

  • Provides links on nosebleeds, rashes, and blisters. Also includes topics addressing more serious first aid emergencies, such as choking rescues and sprained ankles.

  • If emergency care is not needed, the following steps will protect the wound and protect you from another person's blood. Before you try to stop the bleeding: Wash your hands well with soap and water, if available. Put on medical gloves, if available, before applying pressure to the wound. If gloves are...

  • Learn how to care for your blister so it will heal and won't get infected.

  • Chili pepper burns are caused by an irritating substance found in the skin of the pepper. This burn can feel like a sunburn, a throbbing and prickling feeling, or a very intense, hot pain. The best treatment is to wash the area with soap and water...

  • Learn how to use a compression wrap for a sprained ankle to help control swelling.

  • Ankle sprains are common injuries that can result in lifelong problems. Some people with repeated or severe sprains can develop long-term joint pain and weakness. Treating a sprained ankle can help prevent ongoing ankle problems. If an ankle sprain does not heal correctly, the joint may become unstable, resulting in a...

  • Follow these steps to transport a piece of severed tongue: Wrap the piece of tongue in a clean cloth or sterile gauze, if available. Put the wrapped piece of tongue in a bag of ice to keep it cool. Do not put the tongue directly on the ice. Do not...

  • Amputation is the removal of a body part. This can be done by a doctor in a hospital setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes complications. But amputation may also happen during an accident. An amputation may be complete...

  • A black eye is a type of bruise. Simple bruises are treated with ice and by elevating the head. The bruise should be gone in 2 to 3 weeks. Apply ice or cold packs for 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day during the first 48 hours to help reduce swelling. Place a cloth between the ice and the skin. The sooner you apply a cold...

  • If a tooth or dental appliance breaks, take the following steps: Remove loose dentures and the parts of broken dentures. Find any pieces of tooth or the broken dental appliance and take them with you when you go to see your dentist. Your dentist...

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